Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cultural Diversity

Growing up in a world where we find ourselves communicating with multiple different people, at some point we are going to come across someone that is different than we are. Even though we would like to say we communicate with everyone the same I can personally say this is not the case. I realize that I communicate with males and those of a different race different than I do with those who are of the same race and women. After my last course and from what I have learned in this course I am able to pay attention to the differences.

When it comes to communicating with males I find myself  communicating in a manner where I will always be taken seriously. Kind of hard to express but I have been told my tone and demeanor is a lot different from communicating with a female and and a male. I have always been taught to stand your ground and do not let gender push you away from anything. With that in mind I make sure I always give off the impression I can handle my own. 

From personal experience I have learned the same way I would talk to certain friends who happen to be the same race as I am, I can not talk to my friends who are not the same race the same way. The way some of my friends communicate has been expressed to me that it is kind of offensive. Even though I know I am not intentionally trying to offend anyone there is just some things that should not be said. 

From personal experience and from what I have learned this week the top three strategies I would use to communicate more effectively would be to listening silently, ask questions at the end to clarify understanding, and try to take a piece of what was shared and apply it to your professional and or personal life. 

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