Sunday, February 2, 2014

Similarities and Differences

Through out this week's evaluation of my communication styles they have made me think more in depth on how my ways of communication is presented by others. Looking at the results from the test I took myself and the results from the two people I asked to take the test I was surprised by the results. When I reviewed the results of the communication anxiety test the results I read for myself stated that I felt uneasy about some of the elements of communication but according to both of the results from the other people who evaluated me their scores stated that I was confident in my communication anxiety. The next test was listening styles and with my results and the two other results they were both generally the same. All of the results expressed that I am people, action, content and time oriented. I was surprised how close the results for this test. For the last test verbal aggressiveness. The results from my exam were kind of an eye opening to me. My results and the results of the two people who evaluated me expressed that I often resort to character attacks and ridicule when talking to others who do not share viewpoints. I did not like the outcome of this but now that I know I plan to change this and make sure to present things differently. 

I see myself taking what I have learned from these evaluations and applying them to my personal and professional life.

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