During my podcast research this week I decided to follow Barbara Jones (BJ).
Barbara Jones (BJ) founded the Pine Grove School in Falmouth, Maine in 1985 and celebrates the school 25th anniversary this year. The school is a charming, wood-shingled building nested in a grove of pine trees and was used as a school house as far back as 1917.
The Pine Grove School was featured in a Program Showcase section of the July/August 2012 issue of Exchange magazine.
During BJ's podcast she explained how she came into the education field. She also explained her transition from California to Maine. BJ also spent some of her time with the YMCA and this is where she realized that this was the area that she wanted to focus in. BJ found an old abandoned building and decided that she was going to turn this building into her very own Montessori school.
This week while studying the UNESCO website I decided to focus on the Investment and Financing section. Through out all of my research I have come across the same major issue each time for programs not being able to run as they should and that is the lack of resources. This website explains that this issue is especially an issue for developing countries where early education is overshadowed for priorities that are pressing at the time. The only other option for children in these areas is to be enrolled into a private sector. The issue with this is that not all families can afford the cost of private education and rely on the support of government
funding to programs.
This week while researching through the National Forum On Early Childhood Policy and Programs I decided to look further into the "About" tab. When looking at different programs I realized that I usually never take the time to look into the mission behind the program. This programs mission is to compare different research information that they have researched and bring them all together into one data base. I am looking forward to learning more information on how students can become more involved within this research,
This week I decided to choose Susan Lyon. Listening to her podcast this week reminded me why I enjoy working with this age group of children. Early childhood through maybe about third grade a child is still learning how to adapt to the world and how to allow what is happening to affect their life. Something that Susan explained was when she was trying to help the child with the word but didn't want to tell him what it was at first even with the frustration that she seen progressing she stood her ground until the right moment. I am going to start to implement this into my own educating because even though I know child like assistance they may not always need it but instead a push to help them in the right direction of figure things out themselves.
While looking over the "Global Children's Initiative" website I came across a paper discussing how "Maternal Depression Can Undermine the Development of Young Children". Working within the Early Childhood field I have learned that we as educators over look the reasoning of why a child is reacting or not reacting in a particular manor. This paper shows some of the view points that educators need to start considering.
I have always found an interest on figuring out the "Why's" of a child's actions. This website was able to give a stronger idea of why children react the way they do, and this has to do with the science make up in their brains due to abuse, trauma or neglect.
I have contacted a recreation center that I grew up going to as a child and asked them if they were willing to try and start a new program offering children an alternative outreach to those who are seeking more in their education but just have not been able to find a place to go. I was told that they would get back to me with some additional information on how they would be able to provide this help. Even though this may require me to have to move back to my home town for a little while, I am looking forward to giving back to the community of those who gave back to me.
Currently I am working on implementing programs that target all of the children in my group. My children come from many different communities and family backgrounds. Through out this weeks research I found the Early Childhood Education section on the NBCDI website to give me some more insight on the attempts other educators are doing to work with organizations based on the education of children. The section speaks about the Head Start National Research Conference and how educators from every spectrum had the opportunity to come and sit down together and speak of the opportunities of change.
Looking through the website I came across the affiliates tab. On this tab it spoke about the different chapters across the nation that offer their services to children in need. Something I learned throughout my studies is it is not always the children that live in tough areas that need assistance but all children can use a helping hand.
I spent most of my time on the initiatives tab, something else I found interesting is how the NBCDI goes into detail about how different aspects such as health in the home and fitness along with nutrition is listed as an importance for the well being of a child.
Children not only need assistance on the education area, but in the well being of their lives. We as educators, politicizations, scientists have an affect on children.